
The Last Man on Earth (1964)

Time to tackle an old.... classic?

This is the original adaptation of Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend. starring Vincent Price, as the last man on earth, battling hordes of bloodthirsty vampires.

The movie is in public domain, and can be watched for free on YouTube.

On this track we cover:

- The film vs. the original novel
- Later adaptations
- What could have been - unproduced screenplays
- Zombie / vampire / outbreak movies
- The realities of surviving in a post-apocalyptic world

PS: David accidentally says the wrong running time. It's 1:26:44 (not 48).


Download the mp3 file here. Link.

Subscribe to the commentary podcast in iTunes. Link.


Participants: David Bjerre and Dennis Rosenfeld.
Day of recording: September 19th, 2013.
Version: Bluray or NTSC DVD or online version.
Movie runtime: 1:26:44


Vincent Price is The Last American in Italy.

Good planning is essential. Even mass murder needs planning.

The stakes are really high in this film. The stakes... Hello?

Vincent Price burns the vampire bodies.

Garden party with Ben Cortman.

Different kind of garden party with Ben Cortman.

Researching the disease.

When the last man on earth meets the last woman...

Another not so subtle expression from Price.

And the final resting place of Robert Neville.


So erhm... If no one showed up for work, who threw the lab coats around?

Moving car in the background.


Reflections of a Storyteller: A Conversation with Richard Matheson, by William P. Simmons. Link.

Ed Gorman Calling: We Talk to Richard Matheson. Link.

He Is Legend: Richard Matheson, by Paul Riordan. Link.


I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson.

Censored and Unproduced: I Am Legend screenplay, by Richard Matheson.

Faster and furiouser: The revised and fattened fable of American International Pictures, by Mark Thomas McGee.

Rational fears: American Horror in The 1950s, by Mark Jancovich.

Richard Matheson on screen: A History of The Filmed Works, by Matthew R. Bradley.

The Hammer Vault: Treasures From the Archive of Hammer Films, by Marcus Hearn.


The movie. Link 1. Link 2.

I Am Legend - Makeup test by Steve Johnson FX. Link.

I Am Legend - Makeup designs by ADI. Link.


I am Legend screenplay by Mark Protosevic. Link.

I am Legend screenplay by John Logan. Link.

I Am Legend Archive (Interviews). Link.

How Stuff Works - I Am Legend. Link.

Eat by Date. Link.

IMDb. Link.

Wiki. Link.

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